Wantong Company has always adhered to the investment, construction and operation of highways as the core, focused on the main business of road production, and strengthened the main business of road production by investing in new construction, mergers and acquisitions, reconstruction and expansion。

As of December 31, 2022, the Company had 609 kilometers of road in operation。拥有合宁高速公路(G40沪陕高速合宁段)、205国道天长段新线、高界高速公路(G50沪渝高速高界段)、宣广高速公路(G50沪渝高速宣广段)、广祠高速公路(G50 沪渝高速广祠段)、宁淮高速公路天长段(G25长深高速宁淮高速天长段)、G30连霍高速公路安徽段、宁宣杭高速公路(S03宁宣高速安徽段/S05宣桐高速安徽段)、安庆长江公路大桥(G50沪渝高速安庆长江公路大桥)和岳武高速安徽段(G4221沪武高速岳武高速安徽段)等收费公路的全部和部分权益。

In addition, the Company also provides escrow services for Anhui Traffic Control Group and other highway property owners in the province, with a total mileage of 5,039 kilometers of expressways under management by the company up to now。